
English Made Easy



Passage for Note Making (Solved)
2. Read the passage given below carefully and answer the questions that follow: (8)
1. The small village of Somnathpur contains an extraordinary temple, built around 1268 A.D. by
the Hoyasalas of Karnataka – one of the most prolific temple-builders. Belur and Helebid are
among their better-known works. While these suffered during the invasions of the 14th
century, the Somnathpur temple stands more or less intact in near-original condition.
2. This small temple captivates with the beauty and vitality of its detailed sculpture, covering
almost every inch of the walls, pillars and even ceilings. It has three shikharas and stands on a
star-shaped, raised platform with 24 edges. The outer walls have a profusion of detailed
carvings: the entire surface run over by carved plaques of stone. There were vertical panels
covered by exquisite figures of gods and goddesses with many incarnations being depicted.
There were nymphs too, some carrying an ear of maize a symbol of plenty and prosperity. The
elaborate ornamentation, very characteristic of Hoyasala sculptures, was a remarkable feature.
On closer look- and it is worth it – the series of friezes on the outer walls revealed intricately
carved caparisoned (covered decorative cloth) elephants, charging horsemen, stylized flowers,

warriors, musicians, crocodiles, and swans.
3. The temple was actually commissioned by Soma Dandanayaka or Somnath (he named the
village after himself), the minister of the Hoyasala king, Narasimha, the Third. The temple was
built to house three versions of Krishna.
4. The inner center of the temple was the kalyana mandapa. Leading from here were three
corridors each ending in a shrine, one for each kind of Krishna – Venugopala, Janardana and
Prasanna Keshava, though only two remain in their original form. In the darkness of the
sanctum sanctorum, I tried to discern the different images. The temple’s sculptural perfection
is amazing and it includes the doors of the temple and the three elegantly carved towers.
2.1. On the basis of your reading of the above passage make notes on it using headings
and sub-headings. Use recognizable abbreviations, wherever necessary. Give the
passage a suitable title.                                                                                    5

Temple of Somnathpur
1. Temple: the beauty and vitality
1.1. Detailed sculpture – covering walls, pillars, ceilings
1.1. a. Series of friezes on outer walls
1.1. b. intricately carved elephants
1.1. c. charging horsemen
1.1. d. stylized flowers
1.1. e. warriors, musicians, crocodile and swans
1.2. three shikharas – stands *shaped, raised platform – 24 edges
1.3. the outer walls – detailed carvings
1.4. the entire surface – carved plaques of stone
1.5. vertical panels covered by exq. fig.
2. Representation of Hinduism
2.1. incarnations
2.2. many deities
3. Temple in the History
3.1. comsnd. Soma Dandanayaka or Somnath
3.2. the inner center of the temple – kalyana mandapa
3.3. three corridors ending in a shrine
Key to Abbreviations
1. * star
2. exq exquisite
3. fig figures
4. comsnd. commissioned
2.2. Write a summary of the note prepared in not more than 80 words. (3 marks)
Temple of Somnathpur
The temple of Somnathpur is extraordinary due to the sculptures on the walls,
pillars, and even the ceiling which is covered by exquisite figures of gods and
goddesses. It is a representation of Hinduism with its many incarnations and
deities. The temple commissioned by Somnath has a ‘kalyana mandapa’ with three
corridors ending in a shrine.

One More passage for your Practice:

Residents of the Bhirung Raut Ki Gali, where Ustad Bishmillah Khan was born on March 21, 1916, were in shock. His cousin, 94-year -old Mohd Idrish Khan had tears in his eyes. Shubhan Khan, the care-taker of Bismillah’s land, recalled
: “Whenever in Dumaraon, he would give rupees two to the boys and rupees five to the girls of the locality”.
He was very keen to play shehnai again in the local Bihariji’s Temple where he had started playing shehnai with his father, Bachai Khan, at the age of six. His original name was Quamaruddin and became Bishmillah only after he became famous as a shehnai player in Varanasi.
His father Bachai Khan was the official shehnai player of Keshav Prasad Singh, the Maharaja of the erstwhile Dumaraon estate, Bismillah used to accompany him. For Bishmillah Khan, the connection to music began at a very early age. By his teens, he had already become a master of the shehnai. On the day India gained freedom, Bismillah Khan, then a sprightly 31 year-old, had the rare honour of playing from Red Fort. But Bishmillah Khan won’t just be remembered for elevating the shehnai from an instrument heard only in weddings and naubatkhanas to one that was appreciated in concert halls across the world. His life was a testimony to the plurality that is India. A practising Muslim, he would take a daily dip in the Ganga in his younger days after a bout of kusti in Benia Baga Akhada. Every morning, Bishmillah Khan would do riyaaz at the Balaji temple on the banks of the river. Even during his final hours in a Varanasi hospital, music didn’t desert Bishmillah Khan. A few hours before he passed away early on Monday, theshehnai wizard hummed a thumri to show that he was feeling better. This was typical of a man for whom life revolved around music.
Throughout his life he abided by the principle that all religions are one. What marked Bishmillah Khan was his simplicity and disregard for the riches that come with musical fame. Till the very end, he used a cycle rickshaw to travel around Varanasi. But the pressure of providing for some 60 family members took its toll during his later years.
On the basis of your reading of the above passage make notes using headings and sub-headings. Use recognizable abbreviations wherever necessary.                                          5         
Make a summary of the above passage in not more than 80 words using the notes made and also suggest a suitable title.    

Title: Tribute to Bismillah Khan
1. Shock at the demise
(a) Cousin- tears in eyes. (b) Care-taker recalled-
(ii) Giving two Rs. - boys
(iii) Five Rs. to girls
2.His early life
(a) Org. name Quamaruddin
(b) Play shehnai at temp. - with father
(c) Recognized as Bismillah- at Vns.
3. Music as Family heritage:
(a) father - court poet at Dumaraon
(b) pld. shehnai from age six
(c) at 31- played shehnai - Red Fort- 1947.
 4. Daily routine in Vns.
(a) taking dip in the Ganga
(b) riyaaz at Balaji Temp.
(c) before his last breath- hummed thumri
(d) used cycle rickshaw to travel
(e) bread-winner for 60 fml. mem.
5. Bismillah beyond religion
(a) main principle- all religions one
(b) life -testimony of plurality
(c) pract. Muslim

Key to Abbreviations used:
Temp.- Temple
 Vns. -Varanasi
Pract. -Practicising
Rs. -Rupees
Pld. -Played
Fml. -family
Mem. -member 

Summary of the passage

Ustad Bismillah Khan born and bought up at Dumaraon got the taste of music at a very early stage of life. He started accompanying his honour who was an official musician at the Estate of Dumaraon. He got an honour to play his thumri tune at Red Fort on the occasion of Independence. He believed that all religions are one. He led a life of simplicity. Music was his soul and even on his deathbed he played his last thumri in the hospital at Varanasi.

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