
English Made Easy


Report Writing

Report Writing -
News Report writing is probably the most skillful writing section. Unlike the paragraph writing, article writing and even a speech writing, “a news report means less than it says.” It is kind of exaggeration and full of practical lies. Following, there are a number of helpful structures, words and sentences you can use in different kinds of news items.

Rally to Save Animals
By Raja Ravi Verma/Special Reporter, HT Delhi
New Delhi, 12 January 2012
Residents of Baba Colony, Burari, North Delhi, have become model for the country by organizing a rally proclaiming sympathy and demanding fair treatment for all animals including stray dogs, cattle and labouring animals. The rally that was organised by ANI, a welfare organization that works for animals internationally, yesterday, has become part of history for the people of North Delhi.
Inaugurated by President Pratibha Patil, the rally was attended by more than three thousand people including students of the neighboring Joseph and Mary School, MD Public School and various others and people from all walks of life. Brochures describing the ways in which animals are mistreated by the modern society were distributed by the participants. “We are the only schooled and therefore civilized beings on the planet but we are the only ones who least learned anything,’ said the banners raised by young children. At Temple Junction the rally halted for ten minutes for symbolically feeding a number of animals, pledging to love the animals, the inhabitants of the same earth, our fellow beings.
The rally was a great event. Participants shared a common awareness and spread the same. …

Residents Burn Police Station
Neeraj Gilts, Times of India
Firozabad, UP, 12 November
An angry mob of workmen from Firozabad, 34km north of Agra, burnt the local police station here in retaliation to a police brutality on some young men who tried to transport home-made bangles to Delhi via Agra. More than three policemen have been seriously burnt and over fifty protesters have been arrested.
The incident that happened yesterday night marked a new twist in the age-old grievances of the bangles-makers of Firozabad. Traditionally into the bangle-industry, these people have been fed up with the intervention of middlemen and agents supported by policemen here. These middle men were able to keep a strong hold on the bangle-markets as there was no leader among them. A young man, Mukesh, who has been arrested by the police, was their sole leader in attacking the police station.

Teenager Rescued from Club Pool
By Staff Reporter, Yakima News
Yakima, California, 12 September, 1914: A 14 year old boy nearly died in the YMCA pool, Yakima district of California, yesterday evening, while he was learning swimming all alone. Police suspect a youngster who allegedly pushed the victim into the deep water of the pool.
According to reliable sources, William Douglas, son of Mr. Peterson Douglas, was waiting for his friends on the steps of the swimming pool when the misadventure happened.”I was sitting on the steps, waiting for others to come. It was at this time that a very heavy boy who looked quite unfamiliar, came to me. He asked me if he should help me to swim and tossed me to the deepest side of the pool,” Douglas explained while talking to the press. He further described his drowning experience in vivid details. While drowning he planned to come up after hitting the bottom but failed two times.”The third time I went down,” he said, “I saw death face to face and lost my consciousness. This escape is a Miracle.” It was Mr. Schofer, the security guard who noticed the inert body of the boy rising to the surface of the pool. He jumped into the pool and drew him to the side and called for help. More than hundred people gathered and doctors were called for and half an hour of attempts brought Douglas back to life.
Even though police is in search of the fat boy, people blame the YMCA Club authorities for the mishap. There have been a number of incidents in the past but the authorities continue their cool derelict response. However, the mayor of Yakima has promised all the necessary safety measures for the pool.
King of Pratibandapuram Passes Away
By Special Reporter, The Hindu
Chennai, 12 November
King Jung Jung Bahadur of Pratibandapuram passed away this morning after an unsuccessful surgery to remove excessive puss from his body.
Popularly known as the Tiger King, king Bahadur was hospitalized on Friday after he developed a fever followed by a wooden sliver piercing his finger while playing with his son Kim Bahadur, the crown prince. Dr. Madison from Madras Medical College, who was one among the three surgeons who performed the critical surgery, said that the delay in availing medical help was the cause of the king’s untimely death. Mr. Madison also said that this was his team’s most successful operation in the last ten years.
However some media are up with the general view that king had deserved this sort of death.”it is the curse of astronomers,” said Veera Pandyan, a renowned teacher at Madras State University. He further said that there was a prediction regarding the king’s death when he was ten days that he would be killed by a tiger. The king had, therefore undertaken a hunt for tigers to kill hundred tigers. During this, however, the king had to face a number of obstacles. Reliable sources said that the king was just left with a single tiger when his death happened. Meanwhile, the new interim king Chung Bahadur, the deceased kings’s brother in law has ordered a probe into the events that led to the mishap. King Chung has announced Rs. 1 crore to anyone who can give information about the hunters who had shot the tiger and 2 crores for information about the missing Diwan who is suspected for conspiracy and murder. However, people are uncertain about the fate of the country.
Water conservation program
By Vidhya Sreedhar, XI B
The school organized a one day program for all the students and over 100 students from over ten schools of the capital on the importance of water conservation. Many experts from various environmental organizations gave classes and exhibitions.
The program was held on Sunday, 12 July, and started at 11 am with the inaugural speech by Miss Revati Aggarwal, a leading environmentalist from Jaipur. Followed by this students were divided into four groups under titles such as Rain, Water, Wind and Fire. Each group was given classes on the need to conserve water and various methods for that. After a break at 02 pm, it was time for a half an hour skit on the catastrophic end of water in the world, staged by students of MMS, Kolkatta and directed by Mr. Atul Bhatia of Indian Rain Heritage, New Delhi. The skit held the breath of all the participants for a pretty long time and made them realize the impact of water scarcity in the coming days. By 4pm the event came to an end with a number of brief programs among which the distribution of a multicolor poster describing various kinds of water conservation methods was most striking. The participants were awarded certificates.
The vice Principal, Mr. Jha, expressed the school’s heartiest gratitude to the experts and activists and thanked the students who staged various programs. Finally all the participants got dispersed with a heart full of concern for the water that would rain down the next time.
School organised Literacy Program in Slum
By Resham Anant/Class XII
The school, in collaboration with Learn India, Learn Organization, held a massive literacy program in three slums in the North East Delhi with a noble view to encourage slum children to take active participation in learning at their very absorbing age.

The program was inaugurated by Miss Medha Tripati, honorable Education Minister at 10 am in the presence of a thousand students and an equal number of volunteers including their parents, teachers of various schools and NGOs. Followed by this, the Principal, Mr. RK Shekhar, gave a final instruction to the participants and in groups of fifty and hundred, participants moved to the three slums on foot, by bus and by own conveyance.

The Principal in his vote of thanks mentioned the names of some students and teachers who took extreme pain to make this event a reality. He urged the students to come up with similar useful programs in the future too. Mr. Klen Roberts, the director of the Learn India Learn, expressed his heart-felt gratitude to the students and teachers of the program and gave away awards for the five best students. With a light dinner and a photo session the great event came to an end by 7.35.

Seminar on Female Safety by SHE
By Ridhima Gupta, XII B

More than two hundred girls of the senior section had a great time listening and discussing various means and ways of making safety for women in Delhi a reality during a three hour seminar conducted by SHE, an NGO that works for women and girls in the capital, on 22 December. The seminar was reported to be the first such held in a school in Delhi and held the breath of all the participants till the end.

It was at 1 at noon that the Principal informed all the classes about the seminar and there followed a great hurry to get organised in a fraction of ten minutes. SHE being a very popular group and the organizers internationally acclaimed, students took utmost interest in the seminar that finally began at 1.30 and the audience was packed. With an opening song sung by Usha Narayan, one of the oldest members of the group, the seminar began to stir fires. “Are we to be lost on footpaths?” a question asked by Shiela Mixit, the chief of the SHE in her speech shocked the floor with her infuriating yet calm questionnaire. She said that it was time women stopped depending on man to fight back.

After the break, when the seminar resumed, the picture began to change. Dr. Valsamma Mohan, a member of the team talked about the importance of women behaving in the society. She blamed women and girls for their new trends of dressing that call men’s attention. She asked the participants why they are so eager to expose vital body parts by wearing short skirts, broadnecked blouses, transparent fabrics that flaunt innerwear and tight leggings and a lot of makeup. Having given a shock to the participants, Dr. Valsamma also said that women too are responsible for such happenings and it is two sided.

At last at 4.30 when the seminar came to an end with a short play staged by SHE members, the audience sat in silence and the Peincipal thanked the organizers and participants.

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