
English Made Easy


Advertisements – The CBSE Way

Advertisements – The CBSE Way
Advertising is a type of communication whereby people promote or persuade customers to utilize their services. There are two types of advertisements
1.Classified advertisements
2.Display advertisements
Classified ads will be our subject in this article. Classified ads are called CLASSIFIED ADS because they are CLASSIFIED into different type of categories depending on their functions.
 Classified advertisements
 Classified advertisements are advertisements used by the general masses to promote or use services. They are generally text-based ads where newspaper agencies generally charge on the number of words used. So, you can very well imagine that there is no place for precise English sentences here and the only concern is to get things noticed with as minimum words as possible.
Format and marking scheme
Format of Classified Ads
 1 mark – Heading (Should be in CAPITAL letters only)
2 marks – Content
2 marks – Expression with certain grammatical factors
NOTE: Classified Advertisements should be enclosed in a box.
Word Limit
Classified ads should be very well covered in a range of around 50 words. Marks will be deducted if the student jumps the word limit. So exercise caution in this regard.
There are several type of classified ads, which are as follows:
1.Situation vacant
3.Sale and Purchase of Property/Vehicles/Goods
4.Education institutions promotion
5.Missing persons
6.Tour and Travels


Report Writing

Report Writing -
News Report writing is probably the most skillful writing section. Unlike the paragraph writing, article writing and even a speech writing, “a news report means less than it says.” It is kind of exaggeration and full of practical lies. Following, there are a number of helpful structures, words and sentences you can use in different kinds of news items.

How to score above 90 in English